Frozen Frontier (Deluxe Edition)
By the 22nd century, Earth’s population has reached 14 billion. Escalating crises have left mankind hopeless and desperate on a resource-starved home world. After multiple failed attempts at planetary colonization, the United Civilizations launched the Argo expedition through newly discovered wormholes at the edge of the solar system.
They arrive on Janus, the two-faced planet, with hellish Helium-3 solar winds on one side, frozen seas of methane gas on the other. Humankind has no choice but to settle on the frozen frontier in search of vital resources. Hope has been found, but space is cold and unforgiving.
Frozen Frontier is a highly strategic Eurogame for experienced players about the cosmic future of humanity.
Availability: 189 in stock

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Each turn, a player has an opportunity to move their Carrier to any city, collect a project card, and take 1 of 3 possible actions:
а) Construct
A player uses the top part of a multi-use project card to construct a building. Each card defines the type of building and where to build it. If a player meets both requirements, the project card gets added to their player board, and they benefit from the effect on the bottom half of the card anytime it’s triggered. Most buildings advance a player’s Industrial or Science tracks to gain new opportunities but cost a varying amount of resources to build.
b) Collaborate
A player can settle colonists and use their own, or their competitors’, production/science buildings to receive resources and valuable effects.
с) Raise funds
A player receives Qubits and/or special opportunities by using a subsidy card.

When the Subsidy cards deck is empty, players perform these steps in order:
1) receive income from their own buildings and from their cards with an income phase effect
2) send resources to Earth: fulfill common shipments contracts from the board (scheduled shipments), private ones from their hand (unscheduled shipments), and provide the requested amount of He3 to avoid a penalty token (mandatory shipments).
3) prepare the game for the next round
When the 3rd round ends, players count how many victory points each of them has earned. The one with the most points is the winner!
Players earn victory points for:
– controlled cities (the corporation that has more buildings and AI tokens in a city controls it)
– settled colonists
– fulfilled Shipment contracts
– the circumstances described on the cards with “end of the game” effects
- 6 City Tiles
- 4 Space Route Tokens
- 1 Support Board
- 1 Development Board
- 60 Project Cards
- 30 Research Cards
- 16 Subsidy Cards
- 40 Shipment Contract Cards
- 12 Unfulfilled Shipment Penalty Tokens
- 6 Corporation Boards
- 4 Player Boards
- 12 Slot Locked Tokens
- 4 Storage Pads
- 4 Double-side reference Boards
- 1 Score Pad
- 80 Colonist Meeples
- 140 “1” Cubit Cubes
- 20 “5” Cubit Cubes
- 120 VP Tokens
- 8 Player Markers
- 48 AI Tokens
- 24 Large Building Miniatures
- 48 Small Building Miniatures
- 4 Carrier Miniatures
- 1 Active Player Token
- 1 Round Token
- 1 Rulebook
Additional Deluxe Content:
- 6 Extra City Tiles
- 15 Chief Officer Boards
- 20 Niven Rings Initiative Cards
- 1 Mandatory Shipment Board
- 1 Mandatory Shipment Token
- 20 Mandatory Shipment Cards
- 60 Project Cards
- 12 Subsidy Cards
- 15 Research Program Cards
- 5 Corporation Boards
- 28 Alternate Subsidy Cards
Solo Module Components:
- 12 AISAAC Cards
- 1 Solo Board
Additional Deluxe Solo Components:
- 12 AIVAN Cards
- 1 Solo Board
- 9 AIVAN Research Programs
- 1 AIVAN Research Board
- Frozen Frontier Deluxe Rulebook (Coming Soon)